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Driving the Future: Expanding Hegelmann’s Fleet with Eco-Friendly Biomethane Trucks for a Cleaner Tomorrow

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are not new concepts for Hegelmann companies – they are long-standing values. In our continuous effort to reduce our impact on nature, we are once again taking a significant step forward.

After receiving funding from the European Union’s NextGenerationEU under the „Naujos Kartos Lietuva” economic recovery and resilience plan and the 2021-2027 EU funds investment program project „Encouraging the replacement of polluting heavy-duty vehicles with biogas-powered vehicles (N3)”, Hegelmann Logistics plans to expand its fleet with 6 new biomethane-powered trucks. Our goal: to replace old, polluting heavy-duty vehicles with new, eco-friendly ones and help build a more sustainable future.

Why is this important?
-  Biomethane-powered N3 class trucks with Euro6 emission standards will significantly reduce GHG emissions. 
-  Sustainable solutions not only reduce our footprint but also allow us to meet customer expectations.

We drive sustainable economic growth and invest in solutions that create a cleaner future.

Funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU.

biomethane truck fleet

Successful Completion of the First Cargo Transportation from China to the EU via Georgia by Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia  

In a remarkable achievement for the logistics and transportation sector, Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia, which falls under the holding of a German conglomerate – Hegelmann Group, has successfully completed the first cargo transportation from China to the European Union via Georgia. This significant milestone was achieved under the expert management of Maya Mgeladze, the CEO of Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia. 

This groundbreaking transportation initiative marks a new era in the logistics industry, showcasing the strategic importance of Georgia as a vital transit hub connecting the East and the West. The successful completion of this route not only underscores the capabilities and efficiency of Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia but also highlights the potential for future growth and expansion in the region. 

A Strategic Achievement 

The transportation of the first cargo from China to the EU through Georgia is a testament to the strategic vision and leadership of Maya Mgeladze. Under her guidance, Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia has meticulously planned and executed this complex operation, overcoming numerous logistical challenges and ensuring seamless coordination between various stakeholders. 

Cargo Details and Local Involvement 

The first cargo transported comprised industrial spare parts and consumables used in manufacturing. A notable aspect of this transportation was that it was carried out with Georgian number plates from the local vehicle pool of Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia. This local involvement emphasizes the company’s commitment to leveraging regional resources and supporting the local economy. 

Inspired by the Historic Silk Route 

Drawing inspiration from the historic Silk Route, Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia offers comprehensive transportation solutions, including rail, road, marine and air transportation. This diverse range of services allows the company to provide flexible and efficient logistics solutions tailored to the specific needs of their clients, enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of global trade routes. 

Enhancing Global Connectivity 

This achievement is expected to enhance global connectivity and facilitate smoother trade routes between China and Europe. By leveraging Georgia’s strategic location, Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia has effectively created a new corridor that reduces transit times and costs, offering a competitive advantage to businesses engaged in international trade. 

Commitment to Excellence 

Maya Mgeladze expressed her pride and satisfaction at the successful completion of this landmark project. „This is a significant achievement for Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia and a clear demonstration of our commitment to excellence in logistics and transportation. We are proud to have established a new and efficient route that will benefit our clients and partners,” she said. 

Future Prospects 

The success of this initial cargo transportation sets a strong precedent for future operations. Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia plans to further develop and optimize this route, enhancing its capacity and reliability. This initiative is expected to attract more businesses seeking efficient and cost-effective logistics solutions, further cementing Georgia’s role as a critical transit hub in the global supply chain. 


The successful completion of the first cargo transportation from China to the EU via Georgia by Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia is a significant milestone in the logistics industry. It exemplifies the strategic importance of Georgia in global trade and the dedication of Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia, under the leadership of Maya Mgeladze, and supported by the extensive network and resources of Hegelmann Group. This achievement paves the way for future growth and highlights the potential for Georgia to become a central player in the international logistics landscape. 

Hegelmann Hub: A home on the road for truck drivers

Right at the Polish-German border, near the A4 and DK94, the Hegelmann Hub has been established. Located in Żarska Wieś near Zgorzelec, this investment is more than just a base for trucks. It’s a comprehensive truck complex offering a wide range of services that meet all the needs of professional drivers and the transport companies they represent.

All services at one place

ht trucks and parts in Zarska wies

On the road, a driver needs parking, solid rest, and good food. Those are basic needs. Hegelmann Hub is not just a spacious TIR parking, but also offers comfortable accommodation, delicious food at the restaurant, as well as a modern workshop and tachograph service (provided by Tacho24).

The HT Trucks & Parts workshop, covering an area of 13 000 m², also includes a Regional Vehicle Inspection Station, a paint shop, and bodywork services for all types of trucks and trailers. The team of experienced mechanics ensures high-quality implementation of all repairs, inspections, diagnostics, and vehicle maintenance.

The paint shop located here is adapted for painting long vehicles, with the capability to handle elements up to 40 meters long. This modern auto port also offers a modern car wash capable of thoroughly cleaning both the exterior and interior parts of vehicles.

A home on the road comes with responsibilities

The Hegelmann Hub has spacious, monitored, and guarded parking lots that can accommodate 850 trucks. Over 750 sleeping places are waiting for drivers at the Training and Accommodation Centre, along with access to kitchens, professional gyms, and luggage storage. This centre also includes laundries and kitchens for self-catering. There is also an option to dine at the restaurant.

Adrian Koziorowski – Head of Branch, HT Trucks & Parts, managing the Hegelmann Hub complex

„We are prepared and open to receive all types of tractors and trailers. What was crucial in the design of the complex is that during equipment servicing, the driver can properly rest and rejuvenate before continuing his/her journey. Such an approach, focusing on proper service for our clients and the strategic location near the Polish-German border, encourages more and more companies and drivers to take a break at our base,” explains Adrian Koziorowski, Head of Branch, HT Trucks & Parts, managing the Hegelmann Hub complex.

Recently, Hegelmann joined the „Direction: Respect” project by the Truckers Life Foundation, aimed at improving working conditions for drivers. Besides verifying the quality of loading sites, it is also an educational platform for the entire TSL sector. It supports a culture of mutual respect and understanding among all participants in the supply chain. The Hegelmann Hub has been marked as a truck driver-friendly location. For more information please contact us.

Introducing Hegelmann Hub Poland: Redefining Transport Solutions

Hegelmann Group is proud to announce the latest addition to its portfolio, the Hegelmann Hub Poland. This one-of-a-kind investment in the country takes our commitment to the transportation sector to new heights, providing a holistic solution for drivers, carriers, and their vehicles.

The Hegelmann Hub Poland isn’t just a hub for transport operations; it’s a haven for our drivers and carriers. Beyond offering comprehensive services for shippers and vehicles, it provides a space for relaxation with its own hotel and ample parking facilities. Our operations center stands as a testament to our dedication, employing over 400 professionals to ensure unparalleled service.

Facilities and Services at a Glance:

  • Office Space: A hub for administrative operations and strategic planning.
  • Training and Accommodation Center: Tailored to the unique needs of drivers, offering them a comfortable place to rest and rejuvenate.
  • Comprehensive Vehicle Services: With a sprawling 7,000 square meter truck service area, drivers have access to a workshop, diagnostic facility, paintwork center, and a car wash suitable for trucks, vans, and cars. The workshop also houses the District Vehicle Inspection Station and Tachograph Service.
  • Warehouse: An expansive storage area for spare parts and tires to ensure minimal downtime for vehicles.

At the heart of the Hegelmann Hub Poland is our team. Leveraging the vast experience of the HT Trucks & Parts mechanics and backed by state-of-the-art equipment, we guarantee quality across repairs, inspections, diagnostics, and maintenance.

Experience the future of transport solutions with Hegelmann Hub Poland – where service excellence meets comfort. For more information please contact us.

"Hegelmann" Lenkijoje stato pirmąjį sunkvežimių vairuotojų aptarnavimo centrą

2021 m. liepos 14 d. statybvietės teritorijoje buvo padėtas kertinis akmuo: Hegelmann” grupės partneriai Siegfriedas Hegelmannas ir Antonas Hegelmannas buvo tarp statybvietės dalyvių. (Nuotrauka: Hegelmann)
  • Šalies pietvakariuose, netoli sienos, statomas naujas centras
  • Logistikos įmonė reaguoja į mobilumo paketų reikalavimus
  • Išsami transporto priemonių ir vairuotojų aptarnavimo zona
Bruchsal/Żarska Wieś (Lenkija), 2021 m. liepos 16 d. – „Hegelmann Group” stato pirmąjį Lenkijoje sunkvežimių vairuotojų centrą. Unikalus šalyje projektas statomas Žarska Višo mieste (Żarska Wieś), Lenkijos pietvakariuose, netoli Vokietijos sienos, kiek mažesniame nei dvylikos hektarų plote. Be išsamių paslaugų ekspeditoriams ir transporto priemonėms, operacijų centre taip pat yra nuosavas viešbutis ir didelė automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė. Tai taip pat yra tarptautinės transporto ir logistikos bendrovės atsakas į padidėjusius reikalavimus, kylančius dėl naujų ES reglamentų ir mobilumo paketo. Iki šiol investicijos siekė apie 22 mln. eurų. Planuojama, kad kompleksas, kuris bus nuosekliai plečiamas, bus atidarytas 2022 m. viduryje. „Įrengdami šį centrą kuriame optimalų paslaugų kompleksą, pritaikytą mūsų vairuotojų ir darbuotojų poreikiams. Be to, juo padedame mažesnėms krovinių vežimo įmonėms įgyvendinti mobilumo paketo reikalavimus, – sako „Hegelmann Group” akcininkas Siegfriedas Hegelmannas. Hegelmann yra pirmoji transporto ir logistikos pramonės įmonė, Lenkijoje įkūrusi integruotą operacijų centrą. Teritorija suskirstyta į kelias zonas: Maždaug 7 000 kvadratinių metrų ploto sunkvežimių aptarnavimo zonoje yra dirbtuvės, diagnostikos punktas, dažymo cechas ir sunkvežimių plovykla. Be to, yra beveik 6 000 kv. m atsarginių dalių ir padangų sandėlis. „Visas paslaugų spektras leidžia mums optimizuoti remonto laiką ir užtikrinti efektyvią veiklą”, – sako Hegelmannas. Ateityje čia planuojama pastatyti dar vieną atskirą logistikos kompleksą ir sandėliavimo centrą. Be nuosavų biuro patalpų, didžiuliame sklype yra dar apie 60 biurų išorės įmonėms. Išplėstoje bazėje taip pat yra viešbutis su daugiau kaip 750 lovų. Iš Europos maršrutų grįžtantys vairuotojai čia galės praleisti privalomą poilsio laiką. Dar vienas „Hegelmann” centro privalumas – atskiros aukštos kokybės komercinės patalpos, skirtos verslo partneriams, ekspeditoriams ir kitoms transporto įmonėms. Aplink biurus, viešbutį, aptarnavimo zonas ir sandėlius esančiose erdviose automobilių stovėjimo aikštelėse taip pat telpa 220 sunkvežimių ir 450 lengvųjų automobilių. „Hegelmann Hub” Lenkijoje – tai transporto bazė, kuri daugeliu atžvilgių pritaikyta optimaliam darbui”, – sako Hegelmann. 2022 m. viduryje atidarytas „Hegelmann Hub” Lenkijoje taip pat turės teigiamą poveikį regionui. Tikimasi, kad pačiame operacijų centre dirbs apie 200 žmonių. Kitas darbo vietas sukurs mūsų verslo partneriai ir kitos įmonės, – sako Hegelmannas.

"Hegelmann Group" plečiasi į JAV

Tarptautinė transporto ir logistikos bendrovė pradeda veiklą Šiaurės Amerikoje kaip „Hegelmann USA”. Čikagoje įsikūrusi būstinė transporto ir logistikos paslaugas pradės teikti kitų metų sausio pradžioje. Per pirmuosius trejus metus į naujojo JAV padalinio plėtrą planuojama investuoti apie dešimt milijonų eurų. Ateityje „Hegelmann” planuoja atverti daugiau Šiaurės ir Centrinės Amerikos rinkų. Pirmasis tikslas bus Kanada. Planuojama tęsti augimą tarptautiniu mastu. Pirmaisiais metais JAV bus sukurta mažiausiai 15 naujų darbo vietų. Iš pradžių parką sudarys dešimt standartinių sunkvežimių. Vėliau parkas bus papildytas SGD arba elektra varomais sunkvežimiais. „Jau svarstėme galimybę iki 2019 m. pabaigos plėstis į JAV. Norime tapti pasauline organizacija, teikiančia paslaugas Europos, Šiaurės Amerikos ir Azijos žemynuose. Tikime, kad sunkiai ir sąžiningai dirbdami galime tapti sėkmingu, ambicingu ir nuolat augančiu žaidėju JAV ir Šiaurės Amerikos rinkose”, – aiškina Andrew Jasinskas, „Hegelmann Group” verslo plėtros vadovas, atsakingas už plėtrą JAV. „Hegelmann” jau turi ryšių su JAV rinka. „Mes siūlome logistikos paslaugas savo partneriams iš Amerikos Europoje, todėl jau dabar turime gerus ryšius”, – sako A. Jasinskas. Pirmaisiais plėtros metais „Hegelmann” planuoja investuoti apie du milijonus eurų į strateginę plėtrą ir veiklą. Antraisiais ir trečiaisiais metais planuojama investuoti dar aštuonis milijonus eurų. Be kita ko, planuojama įsigyti „sausakrūvių” priekabų, šiluminių priekabų, platformų, silosinių ir autovežių priekabų. „Norime labai greitai JAV pasiūlyti tokį patį paslaugų asortimentą kaip ir Europoje. Esame pasaulinė ir galinga įmonė”, – apibendrina A. Jasinskas. Apsilankykite mūsų puslapyje JAV Visit our US page