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Successful Completion of the First Cargo Transportation from China to the EU via Georgia by Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia  
Hegelmann Group’s „Mission Green” Initiative – Leading the Charge with Volvo FM 500 Electric Trucks in Germany
Hegelmann Hub: A home on the road for truck drivers


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UAB Hegelmann transporte
Marketingo Skyrius
Pirklių g. 5, Žemaitkiemis,
LT-54310 Kauno r.

Visi straipsniai

Successful Completion of the First Cargo Transportation from China to the EU via Georgia by Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia  

5. liepos 2024
In a remarkable achievement for the logistics and transportation sector, Hegelmann Multimodal Georgia, which falls under the holding of a German conglomerate – Hegelmann Group, has successfully com…

Hegelmann Group’s „Mission Green” Initiative – Leading the Charge with Volvo FM 500 Electric Trucks in Germany

8. vasario 2024
In the pursuit of sustainability and innovation within the logistics industry, Hegelmann Group Germany has embarked on a groundbreaking journey. As part of its „Mission Green” initiative, the compa…

Hegelmann Hub: A home on the road for truck drivers

8. vasario 2024
Right at the Polish-German border, near the A4 and DK94, the Hegelmann Hub has been established. Located in Żarska Wieś near Zgorzelec, this investment is more than just a base for trucks. It’s a c…

Hegelmann Group Lithuania has been certified as a Top Employer

30. sausio 2024
Hegelmann Group Lithuania has been certified as a „Top Employer” for the third year in a row and was evaluated for its leadership Hegelmann Group in Lithuania has earned the prestigious rating of …

Introducing Hegelmann Hub Poland: Redefining Transport Solutions

2. spalio 2023
Hegelmann Group is proud to announce the latest addition to its portfolio, the Hegelmann Hub Poland. This one-of-a-kind investment in the country takes our commitment to the transportation sector t…

Hegelmann Group is one of the most dynamically developing transport company in Europe

18. balandžio 2023
25 years ago, three brothers decided to set up a transport company, starting their business with two used tractor units. Today, Hegelmann Group is one of the most dynamically developing transport g…

Hegelmann Group partners with carbon accounting specialists Emitwise to accelerate carbon neutral transition

5. balandžio 2023
The multinational heavy asset carrier Hegelmann is working with Emitwise, the carbon accounting platform, to increase the accuracy of their emission data to enable carbon reduction. Founded in 1…

Hegelmann installs electric car charging stations

22. kovo 2023
4 new electric car charging stations with 8 access points have been installed in the parking lot of Hegelmann main office in Kaunas. UAB Hegelmann Transporte has received EUR 5,604.62 funding from …

2000th MAN truck for Hegelmann Group

3. lapkričio 2022
The Hegelmann Group was able to take delivery of its 2000th truck from the Munich-based commercial vehicle manufacturer at Hauser Schloss on the MAN Truck & Bus factory premises. Another 680 ve…

TuSimple Partners with Global Logistics Leader, Hegelmann Group

19. liepos 2022
SAN DIEGO, July 19, 2022 – TuSimple (Nasdaq: TSP), a global autonomous driving technology company, has announced its partnership with Hegelmann Group, a major European transport and logistics provi…

Hegelmann skatina skaitmeninimą kartu su BPA Solutions

13. birželio 2022
Svarbus „Hegelmann Group” ramstis yra mūsų procesų skaitmeninimas. Dėl plataus įvairių logistikos sektoriaus paslaugų portfelio mūsų veiklai būtini individualūs programinės įrangos sprendimai. K…

Hegelmann sujungia ERP su TIMOCOM sistema

1. gegužės 2022
„Hegelmann Express GmbH” remiasi skaitmeniniais sprendimais, kad optimizuotų savo procesus. Sąsaja gali sutaupyti daug laiko darbo procesuose, o tai reiškia, kad darbuotojus galima paskirstyti dar …

„Hegelmann Group” prisijungia prie IRU ir skatina tvarios logistikos inovacijas

25. rugpjūčio 2021
Vokietijoje įsikūrusi tarptautinė logistikos bendrovė „Hegelmann Group” prisijungė prie IRU, kad paremtų savo vykdomas ekologiškas iniciatyvas ir skatintų bei dirbtų platesniame pramonės sektoriuje…

„Hegelmann” Lenkijoje stato pirmąjį sunkvežimių vairuotojų aptarnavimo centrą

16. liepos 2021
2021 m. liepos 14 d. statybvietės teritorijoje buvo padėtas kertinis akmuo: Hegelmann” grupės partneriai Siegfriedas Hegelmannas ir Antonas Hegelmannas buvo tarp statybvietės dalyvių. (Nuotrauka: H…

„Hegelmann Group” plečiasi į JAV

20. sausio 2021
Tarptautinė transporto ir logistikos bendrovė pradeda veiklą Šiaurės Amerikoje kaip „Hegelmann USA”. Čikagoje įsikūrusi būstinė transporto ir logistikos paslaugas pradės teikti kitų metų …