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Hegelmann Hub: A home on the road for truck drivers

Right at the Polish-German border, near the A4 and DK94, the Hegelmann Hub has been established. Located in Żarska Wieś near Zgorzelec, this investment is more than just a base for trucks. It’s a comprehensive truck complex offering a wide range of services that meet all the needs of professional drivers and the transport companies they represent.

All services at one place

ht trucks and parts in Zarska wies

On the road, a driver needs parking, solid rest, and good food. Those are basic needs. Hegelmann Hub is not just a spacious TIR parking, but also offers comfortable accommodation, delicious food at the restaurant, as well as a modern workshop and tachograph service (provided by Tacho24).

The HT Trucks & Parts workshop, covering an area of 13 000 m², also includes a Regional Vehicle Inspection Station, a paint shop, and bodywork services for all types of trucks and trailers. The team of experienced mechanics ensures high-quality implementation of all repairs, inspections, diagnostics, and vehicle maintenance.

The paint shop located here is adapted for painting long vehicles, with the capability to handle elements up to 40 meters long. This modern auto port also offers a modern car wash capable of thoroughly cleaning both the exterior and interior parts of vehicles.

A home on the road comes with responsibilities

The Hegelmann Hub has spacious, monitored, and guarded parking lots that can accommodate 850 trucks. Over 750 sleeping places are waiting for drivers at the Training and Accommodation Centre, along with access to kitchens, professional gyms, and luggage storage. This centre also includes laundries and kitchens for self-catering. There is also an option to dine at the restaurant.

Adrian Koziorowski – Head of Branch, HT Trucks & Parts, managing the Hegelmann Hub complex

“We are prepared and open to receive all types of tractors and trailers. What was crucial in the design of the complex is that during equipment servicing, the driver can properly rest and rejuvenate before continuing his/her journey. Such an approach, focusing on proper service for our clients and the strategic location near the Polish-German border, encourages more and more companies and drivers to take a break at our base,” explains Adrian Koziorowski, Head of Branch, HT Trucks & Parts, managing the Hegelmann Hub complex.

Recently, Hegelmann joined the “Direction: Respect” project by the Truckers Life Foundation, aimed at improving working conditions for drivers. Besides verifying the quality of loading sites, it is also an educational platform for the entire TSL sector. It supports a culture of mutual respect and understanding among all participants in the supply chain. The Hegelmann Hub has been marked as a truck driver-friendly location. For more information please contact us.

Introducing Hegelmann Hub Poland: Redefining Transport Solutions

Hegelmann Group is proud to announce the latest addition to its portfolio, the Hegelmann Hub Poland. This one-of-a-kind investment in the country takes our commitment to the transportation sector to new heights, providing a holistic solution for drivers, carriers, and their vehicles.

The Hegelmann Hub Poland isn’t just a hub for transport operations; it’s a haven for our drivers and carriers. Beyond offering comprehensive services for shippers and vehicles, it provides a space for relaxation with its own hotel and ample parking facilities. Our operations center stands as a testament to our dedication, employing over 400 professionals to ensure unparalleled service.

Facilities and Services at a Glance:

  • Office Space: A hub for administrative operations and strategic planning.
  • Training and Accommodation Center: Tailored to the unique needs of drivers, offering them a comfortable place to rest and rejuvenate.
  • Comprehensive Vehicle Services: With a sprawling 7,000 square meter truck service area, drivers have access to a workshop, diagnostic facility, paintwork center, and a car wash suitable for trucks, vans, and cars. The workshop also houses the District Vehicle Inspection Station and Tachograph Service.
  • Warehouse: An expansive storage area for spare parts and tires to ensure minimal downtime for vehicles.

At the heart of the Hegelmann Hub Poland is our team. Leveraging the vast experience of the HT Trucks & Parts mechanics and backed by state-of-the-art equipment, we guarantee quality across repairs, inspections, diagnostics, and maintenance.

Experience the future of transport solutions with Hegelmann Hub Poland – where service excellence meets comfort. For more information please contact us.


2021年7月14日,在施工现场区奠基。海格曼集团的合伙人Siegfried Hegelmann和Anton Hegelmann在现场。(图片: Hegelmann)
  • 在该国西南部的边境附近建立了新的枢纽中心
  • 物流公司应对流动性包的要求
  • 车辆和司机的综合服务区
布鲁赫萨尔/Żarska Wieś(波兰),2021年7月16日 – 赫格曼集团正在波兰建造第一个卡车司机中心。该项目在波兰西南部靠近德国边境的Żarska Wieś建造,面积不到12公顷,在全国是独一无二的。除了为货运代理和车辆提供全面的服务选项外,该运营中心还提供自己的酒店和充足的停车设施。这也是这家国际运输和物流公司对欧盟新法规和流动性一揽子计划所带来的更多要求的回应。到目前为止,投资已经达到约2200万欧元。计划在2022年中期开放该综合体,并将陆续扩大。 有了这个中心,我们正在建立一个最佳的服务综合体,以满足我们司机和员工的需求。此外,我们正在用它来支持较小的运输公司,以满足流动性一揽子计划的要求,”黑格尔曼集团的股东Siegfried Hegelmann说。Hegelmann是运输和物流业中第一家在波兰建立综合运营中心的公司。该基地被划分为几个区域。约7000平方米的卡车服务区包括一个车间、一个诊断设施、一个油漆车间和一个卡车清洗区。此外,还有一个近6000平方米的备件和轮胎仓库。整个服务范围使我们能够优化维修时间,并确保高效运作,”黑格尔曼说。未来,这里还将建设另一个独立的物流综合体和一个存储中心。 除了公司自己的办公空间外,在这个巨大的场地上还有大约60个额外的办公室供外部公司使用。扩建后的基地还有一个拥有超过750个床位的酒店。从欧洲航线返回的司机可以在那里度过他们必须的休息时间。Hegelmann中心的另一个优势是为商业伙伴、货运代理和其他运输公司预留了独立的高质量商业空间。办公室、酒店、服务区和仓库周围宽敞的停车区域也为220辆卡车和450辆汽车提供了空间。黑格尔曼说:”波兰的黑格尔曼枢纽是一个运输基地,它在许多方面都是为了实现最佳运作。 2022年中期,波兰黑格尔曼枢纽的启用也将对该地区产生积极影响。运营中心本身预计将雇用约200人。我们的商业伙伴和其他公司将创造更多的就业机会,”黑格尔曼说。


这家国际运输和物流公司正以Hegelmann USA的名义在北美开展业务。芝加哥总部将于明年一月初开始提供运输和物流服务。计划在头三年为新的美国分公司的发展投资约1000万欧元。Hegelmann计划在未来进一步开辟北美和中美洲市场。第一个目标将是加拿大。国际增长将继续进行。 在第一年,将在美国创造至少15个新的就业机会。车队最初将由10辆标准卡车组成。后来,车队将扩大到液化天然气或电力驱动的卡车。’我们已经考虑在2019年底前扩展到美国。我们希望成为一个全球性组织,在欧洲、北美和亚洲大陆提供服务。我们相信,通过努力和诚实的工作,我们可以在美国和北美市场成为一个成功的、雄心勃勃的和稳步增长的参与者,’负责美国扩张的赫格曼集团业务发展主管安德鲁-贾辛斯卡斯解释说。 Hegelmann已经与美国市场建立了联系。我们为我们在欧洲的美国合作伙伴提供物流服务,因此已经有很好的联系,”Jasinskas说。Hegelmann计划在扩张的第一年投资约200万欧元用于战略发展和运营。在第二年和第三年,将再投入800万欧元。除其他事项外,计划购买 “干式货车 “拖车、热力拖车、平台、筒仓和汽车运输拖车。我们希望能很快在美国提供与欧洲相同的服务范围。我们是一家全球性的强大公司,’Jasinskas总结道。 访问我们的美国页面 Visit our US page