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Hegelmann Group Lithuania has been certified as a Top Employer

Hegelmann Group Lithuania has been certified as a « Top Employer » for the third year in a row and was evaluated for its leadership

Hegelmann Group in Lithuania has earned the prestigious rating of « Top Employer Lietuva » for the third year in a row for exceptionally good working and development conditions.

During the « Top Employer » audit, the certificate was awarded to six Hegelmann Group companies: UAB « Hegelmann Transporte », UAB « Hegelmann Logistics », UAB « Hegelmann Special Transporte », UAB « Hegelmann Autotransporte », UADBB « H Brokers » and UAB « HT Ferry » Service ».

« Earning this certificate three times in a row is not only an assessment, but also an obligation to maintain good practices and continue to improve, » says Tomas Jurgelevičius, UAB Hegelmann Transporte General Director. – Our philosophy is to strive for perfection, so we follow it and make sure that employees feel good and reveal their full professional potential. We are proud that these efforts have been so well received. »

The globally recognized « Top Employers Institute » certificate was awarded to Hegelmann Group after an in-depth audit lasting half a year. It covered six HR areas and 20 topics. The company achieved maximum marks in the areas of business strategy, leadership, talent attraction, as well as purpose and values ​​and ethics and integrity. To date, more than 2.2 thousand people have received the « Top Employer » certificate within organizations in 122 countries worldwide.

Leadership is important

Hegelmann Group was founded in Germany in 1998 as a family business and was actively expanding all the time. Today it operates throughout Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. The companies of the group have been operating in Lithuania since 2004, currently they employ over 700 administrative employees.

According to T. Jurgelevičius, the multicultural team of Hegelmann Group in Lithuania is joined by both Lithuanians who have returned from abroad and brought international experience, as well as foreigners studying in Lithuania who want to apply their knowledge and realize themselves, have opportunities to improve.

« The transport sector is extremely dynamic, so we value our employees, » he says. – We are especially happy when they grow together with us, so we try to offer challenges that match everyone’s competencies. »

Many leaders of the Hegelmann Group have grown up within the company, having started their careers as trainees or managers. Some employees have been working in the company since company opened in Lithuania.

« I came to work at one of the Hegelmann Group companies as a fleet manager a little more than three years ago, » about his carrier says Karolis Tautkevičius, who currently holds the position of Chief Digital Officer (CDO). « Colleagues noticed and appreciated my contribution to the digitalization of fleet processes, so I received the encouragement of shareholders to take leadership in this area on a company-wide scale. »

Vaidilė Taučikaitė, who is currently the Team Leader of the Marketing and Communication department in Lithuania, says that she was interested in the opportunity to work here while she was still studying and that she persistently pursued her goal for several years.

« Finally, while still studying, I was accepted for practice, and a month later they invited me to join the team. I did not expect to be noticed so quickly in such a large international company. I think that determination, perseverance and the fact that together with the team and managers we can create interesting projects helped me to pursue my career », she says.

Tunisian spouses Feten Ben Abdesslem and Mohamed Salah Ben Farhat, currently working at UAB “Hegelmann Transporte”, are not only happy with the opportunity to work as a family in the same workplace, but also try to contribute to positive changes as ambassadors. 4 out of 9 ambassador team members in Lithuania are from other countries.

« I joined Hegelmann in 2020. and from the first day I felt as a part of the company, I learned a lot and received a lot of support from all my colleagues, I can grow here not only as a person, but also in my career. That’s why I didn’t hesitate to invite my wife Feten to work with me, » says M. S. Ben Farhat, Team Lead of one of the sales teams.

Values ​​and communication

According to Human Resources Manager in Lithuania Rūta Norkūnaitė, after the Top Employers Institute audit, the company received detailed insights that will help it continue to improve. « Participating in the Top Employers Institute certification program has given us a broader view of global HR best practices. Based on them and listening to the needs of our employees, we will consistently adhere to our commitment to ensure well-being and professional development. We can be happy that while growing and operating in a particularly dynamic sector, we stably maintain exceptionally good working conditions, » she said. Taking into account the cultivation of the company’s values, a system has been implemented to evaluate employees who receive the most positive feedback from customers, partners or suppliers.

Constant communication within the company is also ensured, newsletters are shared, and events involving employees from different cultures are organized. People who seek professional self-realization and achieve results have every opportunity to develop and grow at the Hegelmann Group.