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VDU students visit Hegelmann Logistics

Students of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of the Academy of Agriculture of VDU visited UAB Hegelmann Logistics logistics center: experiences, knowledge, and new horizons

Students of the Logistics and Trade study program of the Bioeconomy Development Faculty of the Academy of Agriculture of the Vytautas Magnus University (VDU ŽŪA) on October 8 visited the logistics center of UAB Hegelmann Logistics. 

The visit became a great opportunity to deepen their knowledge about logistics and warehousing processes and their practical application. This time, the students not only saw how the modern logistics center works but also had the opportunity to talk with UAB Hegelmann Logistics Director Andrius Šumskis and other experienced specialists who shared their knowledge and invaluable experience. 

During the visit, the students got hands-on experience with logistics operations such as receiving, storing, packing, and transporting goods. VDU students were introduced to how processes are efficiently organized using the latest technologies and also learned the importance of ensuring the management of product flows in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency. 

This visit not only broadened the theoretical knowledge of the students but also allowed them to practically see how the theory is applied in the real world. Students gain valuable experience that will certainly contribute to their professional development in the future. 

Hegelmann Logistics sincerely thanks our social partners at Vytautas Magnus University. It’s always a pleasure to welcome curious and inquisitive guests! 

Learn more about Logistics and trade studies click here