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Hegelmann Hub: A home on the road for truck drivers

Right at the Polish-German border, near the A4 and DK94, the Hegelmann Hub has been established. Located in Żarska Wieś near Zgorzelec, this investment is more than just a base for trucks. It’s a comprehensive truck complex offering a wide range of services that meet all the needs of professional drivers and the transport companies they represent.

All services at one place

ht trucks and parts in Zarska wies

On the road, a driver needs parking, solid rest, and good food. Those are basic needs. Hegelmann Hub is not just a spacious TIR parking, but also offers comfortable accommodation, delicious food at the restaurant, as well as a modern workshop and tachograph service (provided by Tacho24).

The HT Trucks & Parts workshop, covering an area of 13 000 m², also includes a Regional Vehicle Inspection Station, a paint shop, and bodywork services for all types of trucks and trailers. The team of experienced mechanics ensures high-quality implementation of all repairs, inspections, diagnostics, and vehicle maintenance.

The paint shop located here is adapted for painting long vehicles, with the capability to handle elements up to 40 meters long. This modern auto port also offers a modern car wash capable of thoroughly cleaning both the exterior and interior parts of vehicles.

A home on the road comes with responsibilities

The Hegelmann Hub has spacious, monitored, and guarded parking lots that can accommodate 850 trucks. Over 750 sleeping places are waiting for drivers at the Training and Accommodation Centre, along with access to kitchens, professional gyms, and luggage storage. This centre also includes laundries and kitchens for self-catering. There is also an option to dine at the restaurant.

Adrian Koziorowski – Head of Branch, HT Trucks & Parts, managing the Hegelmann Hub complex

“We are prepared and open to receive all types of tractors and trailers. What was crucial in the design of the complex is that during equipment servicing, the driver can properly rest and rejuvenate before continuing his/her journey. Such an approach, focusing on proper service for our clients and the strategic location near the Polish-German border, encourages more and more companies and drivers to take a break at our base,” explains Adrian Koziorowski, Head of Branch, HT Trucks & Parts, managing the Hegelmann Hub complex.

Recently, Hegelmann joined the “Direction: Respect” project by the Truckers Life Foundation, aimed at improving working conditions for drivers. Besides verifying the quality of loading sites, it is also an educational platform for the entire TSL sector. It supports a culture of mutual respect and understanding among all participants in the supply chain. The Hegelmann Hub has been marked as a truck driver-friendly location. For more information please contact us.

Hegelmann Group Lithuania has been certified as a Top Employer

Hegelmann Group Lithuania has been certified as a “Top Employer” for the third year in a row and was evaluated for its leadership

Hegelmann Group in Lithuania has earned the prestigious rating of “Top Employer Lietuva” for the third year in a row for exceptionally good working and development conditions.

During the “Top Employer” audit, the certificate was awarded to six Hegelmann Group companies: UAB “Hegelmann Transporte”, UAB “Hegelmann Logistics”, UAB “Hegelmann Special Transporte”, UAB “Hegelmann Autotransporte”, UADBB “H Brokers” and UAB “HT Ferry” Service”.

“Earning this certificate three times in a row is not only an assessment, but also an obligation to maintain good practices and continue to improve,” says Tomas Jurgelevičius, UAB Hegelmann Transporte General Director. – Our philosophy is to strive for perfection, so we follow it and make sure that employees feel good and reveal their full professional potential. We are proud that these efforts have been so well received.”

The globally recognized “Top Employers Institute” certificate was awarded to Hegelmann Group after an in-depth audit lasting half a year. It covered six HR areas and 20 topics. The company achieved maximum marks in the areas of business strategy, leadership, talent attraction, as well as purpose and values ​​and ethics and integrity. To date, more than 2.2 thousand people have received the “Top Employer” certificate within organizations in 122 countries worldwide.

Leadership is important

Hegelmann Group was founded in Germany in 1998 as a family business and was actively expanding all the time. Today it operates throughout Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. The companies of the group have been operating in Lithuania since 2004, currently they employ over 700 administrative employees.

According to T. Jurgelevičius, the multicultural team of Hegelmann Group in Lithuania is joined by both Lithuanians who have returned from abroad and brought international experience, as well as foreigners studying in Lithuania who want to apply their knowledge and realize themselves, have opportunities to improve.

“The transport sector is extremely dynamic, so we value our employees,” he says. – We are especially happy when they grow together with us, so we try to offer challenges that match everyone’s competencies.”

Many leaders of the Hegelmann Group have grown up within the company, having started their careers as trainees or managers. Some employees have been working in the company since company opened in Lithuania.

“I came to work at one of the Hegelmann Group companies as a fleet manager a little more than three years ago,” about his carrier says Karolis Tautkevičius, who currently holds the position of Chief Digital Officer (CDO). “Colleagues noticed and appreciated my contribution to the digitalization of fleet processes, so I received the encouragement of shareholders to take leadership in this area on a company-wide scale.”

Vaidilė Taučikaitė, who is currently the Team Leader of the Marketing and Communication department in Lithuania, says that she was interested in the opportunity to work here while she was still studying and that she persistently pursued her goal for several years.

“Finally, while still studying, I was accepted for practice, and a month later they invited me to join the team. I did not expect to be noticed so quickly in such a large international company. I think that determination, perseverance and the fact that together with the team and managers we can create interesting projects helped me to pursue my career”, she says.

Tunisian spouses Feten Ben Abdesslem and Mohamed Salah Ben Farhat, currently working at UAB “Hegelmann Transporte”, are not only happy with the opportunity to work as a family in the same workplace, but also try to contribute to positive changes as ambassadors. 4 out of 9 ambassador team members in Lithuania are from other countries.

“I joined Hegelmann in 2020. and from the first day I felt as a part of the company, I learned a lot and received a lot of support from all my colleagues, I can grow here not only as a person, but also in my career. That’s why I didn’t hesitate to invite my wife Feten to work with me,” says M. S. Ben Farhat, Team Lead of one of the sales teams.

Values ​​and communication

According to Human Resources Manager in Lithuania Rūta Norkūnaitė, after the Top Employers Institute audit, the company received detailed insights that will help it continue to improve. “Participating in the Top Employers Institute certification program has given us a broader view of global HR best practices. Based on them and listening to the needs of our employees, we will consistently adhere to our commitment to ensure well-being and professional development. We can be happy that while growing and operating in a particularly dynamic sector, we stably maintain exceptionally good working conditions,” she said. Taking into account the cultivation of the company’s values, a system has been implemented to evaluate employees who receive the most positive feedback from customers, partners or suppliers.

Constant communication within the company is also ensured, newsletters are shared, and events involving employees from different cultures are organized. People who seek professional self-realization and achieve results have every opportunity to develop and grow at the Hegelmann Group.

Hegelmann Group is one of the most dynamically developing transport company in Europe

25 years ago, three brothers decided to set up a transport company, starting their business with two used tractor units. Today, Hegelmann Group is one of the most dynamically developing transport groups in Europe. Hegelmann Poland companies have been operating in Poland for 13 years.

Due to its location, our country has always played an important role in international trade and transport. It is no different in the context of the importance of Polish companies for the development of the entire Hegelmann Group. The scale of operations is evidenced by the fact that in Poland, over 1,000 office and service employees are employed to service the operations of the companies to deliver clients’ loads using their own 2100 trucks and over 1,500 semi-trailers.

Such a large team is needed to meet the requirements of our clients from various industries: automotive, food, chemical, FMCG, industrial production and factories, e-commerce, trade, electronics and pharmacy. These are only examples of the largest business groups with which Hegelmann cooperates throughout the European Union.

“- Each past year has presented us with difficult challenges. 2023 promises to be no different. However, I believe that thanks to our great team, business environment, our partners and business strategy, we are able to meet them. This year our group celebrates 25 years of existence, which coincides with the opening of one of our key investments in Poland – Hegelmann Hub in Żarska Wieś. I am glad that such a great jubilee will be marked in history by the opening of our modern transport base” – says Fedir Yurkevych, president of Hegelmann Poland.

An extensive base is being built in Żarska Wieś near Zgorzelec, which will provide services of a high standard, ensuring safe driving and comfortable rest for drivers. The Hegelmann Hub complex consists of office space, a hotel offering accommodation adapted to the needs of drivers, a workshop and vehicle diagnostic station, a paint shop, a car wash adapted to the dimensions of trucks and a warehouse for spare parts and tires.

Although finishing works are still underway in part of the facility, the company belonging to the group, HT Trucks & Parts, operating in this area, has opened its doors to Hegelmann trucks and other companies, not only cooperating with the company on a daily basis. All types of vehicles are serviced here, from passenger cars, through delivery vans to full service of trucks.

An equally important aspect as business growth is its quality expressed in activities related to sustainable development. Hegelmann Poland has 160 trucks powered by LNG and CNG in its fleet. Intermodal services are also being developed that reduce the carbon footprint, but at the same time are an interesting alternative for customers. In the case of taking care of the environment, it is also important that the Hegelmann Poland fleet operates tractors with an average age of 2-3 years, which is not without significance in the context of striving to reduce environmental pollution.

Hegelmann costruisce il primo hub di servizi per gli autotrasportatori in Polonia

Il 14 luglio 2021 è stata posata la prima pietra nell’area del cantiere: Siegfried Hegelmann e Anton Hegelmann, soci del Gruppo Hegelmann, erano presenti sul posto. (Foto: Hegelmann)
  • Costruito un nuovo hub vicino al confine nel sud-ovest del Paese
  • La società di logistica risponde alle esigenze dei pacchetti di mobilità
  • Area di servizio completa per veicoli e autisti
Bruchsal/Żarska Wieś (Polonia), 16 luglio 2021 – Il Gruppo Hegelmann sta costruendo il primo hub per camionisti in Polonia. Il progetto, unico nel suo genere nel Paese, è in costruzione a Żarska Wieś, nella Polonia sud-occidentale vicino al confine con la Germania, su un’area di poco meno di dodici ettari. Oltre a un’ampia offerta di servizi per spedizionieri e veicoli, il centro operativo offre anche un hotel e un ampio parcheggio. Questa è anche la risposta dell’azienda internazionale di trasporti e logistica ai crescenti requisiti derivanti dalle nuove normative UE e dal pacchetto mobilità. Finora l’investimento è stato di circa 22 milioni di euro. L’apertura del complesso, che sarà successivamente ampliato, è prevista per la metà del 2022. Con l’hub stiamo costruendo un complesso di servizi ottimale, adatto alle esigenze dei nostri autisti e dipendenti. Inoltre, lo utilizziamo per supportare le aziende di trasporto più piccole a soddisfare i requisiti del pacchetto mobilità”, afferma Siegfried Hegelmann, azionista del Gruppo Hegelmann. Hegelmann è la prima azienda del settore dei trasporti e della logistica a creare un centro operativo integrato in Polonia. Il sito è suddiviso in diverse zone: L’area di servizio per gli autocarri, di circa 7.000 metri quadrati, comprende un’officina, un impianto di diagnostica, un reparto di verniciatura e un lavaggio per autocarri. Inoltre, c’è un magazzino di ricambi e pneumatici di quasi 6.000 metri quadrati. L’intera gamma di servizi ci consente di ottimizzare i tempi di riparazione e di garantire operazioni efficienti”, afferma Hegelmann. In futuro, è prevista la costruzione di un altro complesso logistico separato e di un centro di stoccaggio. Oltre agli uffici dell’azienda, nell’enorme sito sono disponibili circa 60 uffici aggiuntivi per le aziende esterne. La base ampliata comprende anche un hotel con oltre 750 posti letto. Gli autisti di ritorno dalle rotte europee possono trascorrere qui il loro periodo di riposo obbligatorio. Un altro vantaggio dell’hub Hegelmann è lo spazio commerciale separato e di alta qualità riservato a partner commerciali, spedizionieri e altre aziende di trasporto. Le generose aree di parcheggio intorno agli uffici, all’hotel, alle aree di servizio e ai magazzini offrono spazio anche per 220 camion e 450 auto. L’Hegelmann Hub in Polonia è una base di trasporto progettata per un funzionamento ottimale sotto molti aspetti”, afferma Hegelmann. L’apertura dell’Hegelmann Hub Poland a metà del 2022 avrà un impatto positivo anche sulla regione. Il centro operativo stesso dovrebbe dare lavoro a circa 200 persone. Altri posti di lavoro saranno creati dai nostri partner commerciali e da altre aziende”, afferma Hegelmann.

Il Gruppo Hegelmann si espande negli USA

L’azienda internazionale di trasporti e logistica lancia le sue attività in Nord America con il nome di Hegelmann USA. La sede centrale di Chicago inizierà a fornire servizi di trasporto e logistica all’inizio di gennaio del prossimo anno. Per i primi tre anni è previsto un investimento di circa dieci milioni di euro per la crescita della nuova filiale statunitense. In futuro Hegelmann intende aprire altri mercati del Nord e Centro America. Il primo obiettivo sarà il Canada. La crescita internazionale è destinata a proseguire. Nel primo anno verranno creati almeno 15 nuovi posti di lavoro negli Stati Uniti. La flotta sarà inizialmente composta da dieci autocarri standard. In seguito, la flotta sarà ampliata con camion alimentati a LNG o a elettricità. Avevamo già pensato di espanderci negli Stati Uniti entro la fine del 2019. Vogliamo diventare un’organizzazione globale che offra i propri servizi nei continenti europeo, nordamericano e asiatico. Crediamo che, lavorando sodo e onestamente, possiamo diventare un attore di successo, ambizioso e in costante crescita nei mercati degli Stati Uniti e del Nord America”, spiega Andrew Jasinskas, responsabile dello sviluppo aziendale di Hegelmann Group, che è responsabile dell’espansione negli Stati Uniti. Hegelmann ha già legami con il mercato statunitense. Offriamo servizi logistici ai nostri partner americani in Europa e siamo quindi già ben collegati”, afferma Jasinskas. Hegelmann prevede di investire circa due milioni di euro nella crescita strategica e nelle operazioni nel primo anno di espansione. Altri otto milioni di euro seguiranno nel secondo e terzo anno. Sono previsti, tra l’altro, acquisti di rimorchi “dry van”, rimorchi termici, piattaforme, silos e rimorchi per auto. Vogliamo offrire rapidamente negli Stati Uniti la stessa gamma di servizi che offriamo in Europa. Siamo un’azienda globale e potente”, conclude Jasinskas. Visita la nostra pagina USA Visit our US page